Empowering Global Youth in Food Entrepreneurship and Transformation

Theatre to break down the topic of ethnic dehumanization

Permaculture as methodology for a sustainable transition

Changing the Narratives
Explore the powerful connection between mental health and art in today’s post-pandemic society.

Video, Vidi, Vicit
One project, eleven elders, two videos to tell stories of life within life after retirement

My Home Elsewhere
Non-formal education, storytelling… and one question: What is the meaning of home?

VolunTube World
Volunteering and storytelling in Europe and South America

FURSA: Video-making and Photography Workshops
Video-making and photography to understand each other in a society soaked with judgment

Build a new narration in Italy around the over-simplified topic of migrations

Volunteering and storytelling in Europe and South East Asia

An Earthquake of Solidarity
ESC volunteers bring solidarity to the local communities struck by the earthquakes

Grassroots decision-making from young Eu citizens

Informo_io documents contemporary issues with an angle different from mainstream media

Nuove radici
The dragon Alfredo sparkles the imagination of an entire town

The magic of video-making in the remote Slovenian countryside

I Care For…
Alternative paths for little UNESCO heritage wonders that we didn’t know we had around the corner

Elementi sotterranei
The invasion of colours leads to a new community spirit

United World College
Fostering peace and global unity through education in Italy